2023 French Nakation TRAILER
It's here...the official launch of my first ever international series...my 2023 French Nakation!
This is a trailer that's here to whet our appetites...
1 month...10 French naturist destinations...
...exploring a combination of nude beaches, naturist campsites, naturist villages, naturist resorts and a naturist island.
More than 50 hours of flying (90% of that being just from Australia to Europe and back!), over 16 hours on a train, drove a distance of more than 1500km over 22 hours to cross France to visit and film at these various naturist destinations.
Locations include:
- CHM Montalivet
- Euronat
- Cap d'Adge
- Le Levant
- Cap Taillat
- Plage Le Layet
- Camping Verdon Provence
- Castillon De Provence
- Le Haut Chandelalar
- Origan Village
So, what destination are you looking forward to the most in the series?
Episode 1 coming to a screen near you soon...